Saturday, May 10, 2008



As hulle nie julle besware in ag neem nie, wat heelwaarkynlik sal
gebeur, dan het julle al die redes, wetlik sowel as moreel, om 'n
dispuut te verklaar en julle gelde terug te hou.

Dit is 'n skande dat die klomp wil fuif en tekere gaan terwyl daar
derduidende swart, wit, pienk en pers is wat onder haglike toestande
lewe. Dan nie eers gepraat van die infrastruktuur wat besig is om total
in duie te stort nie ! Ons kan nie toelaat dat Nero viool speel terwyl
Rome brand nie !

Geagte vriende,

Net gisteraand was my vrou by 'n burgemeesters funksie van die
Ekurhuleni Metro Raad ( ek word natuurlik nie uitgenooi nie ! ) en daar
was alles net van die beste en dit terwyl ons paaie en strate besig is
om te verkrummel, die middestad van Kempton Park en 'n groot nywerheids
gebied 'n week lank sonder krag was weens swak onderhoud.

Dit is die tipe van ding wat ons in die komende finansieële jaar kan en
gaan stopsit.


Jaap Kelder

-----Original Message-----
From: Pieter Janse van Rensburg
Sent: 07 Mei 2008 10:07 nm
To: MM
Cc: Jaap Kelder; Sydney Mufumadi; Heidi Smith
Subject: MARULENG DRAFT BUDGET 2008/2009

Mr. Ramothwala,

With reference to my e-mail dated 01/05/08 raising the Hoedspruit Rate
Payers concerns with several issues and the Maruleng Budget for
2008/2009, please take note that on behalf of the Hoedspruit Rate Payers
we hereby lodge our disapproval of the Draft Budget for 2008/2009.

We are of the opinion that the monies budgeted for the following is to
1) Management - R805186.00 for Traveling Allowance
Councilors - R97781.00 for Traveling Allowance
The additional Subsistance & Traveling amount of R759700.00
This adds up to a smart total of R1,662'667.00

2) The additional amount of R235400.00 for Conference & Workshops
The amount of R142758.00 for Refreshment
The amount of R1,665'000.00 for Functions
This adds up to a smart total of R2,043'158.00

Add this all up it accumulates to a grand total of R3,705'825.00 for
riding around and having functions.

3) We put the question how can a small town like Hoedspruit with a Mayor
and Twenty Councilors afford these kind of luxuries 8% of the total
budget if we have thousands of people in the rural areas around
Hoedspruit that does not even have proper housing or drinking water. I
would also like to know if Hoedspruit/Maruleng can afford a salary
package of R23,421'982.00 for its personnel, correct me if I am wrong
±80 people all and all together.

4) Furthermore we notice that NO projects are planned for Hoedspruit
town where as the Hoedspruit residents are the only tax contributors to
Maruleng. We strongly object to this and we insist that taxes paid by
rate payers be spend in town. The R38,362'000.00 Grants & Subsidies by
National Government and income of levies and fees totaling
R21,485'300.00 adding up to R59,847'300.00 can be put to work for better
use by cleaning the town, fixing the roads and parks. After all the
MARULENG Municipality's Head Office is situated in this pigsty of an

Kind regards,

Pieter Janse van Rensburg
(On behalf of the Hoedspruit Rate Payers)

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