Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kommunisme en onderwys se toekoms

Uit Radio Pretoria se nuuskommentaar van Woensdag 22 Julie 2009 blyk dit
duidelik dat kommunisme homself al hoe meer in invloedryke strukture gaan
laat geld.

Ons haal die volgende uit die nuuskommentaar aan met erkenning aan Radio

"Ons het al voorheen daarop gewys dat die Zuma-kabinet die mees
kommunistiese kabinet is wat Suid-Afrika nog gesien het. Beide die
sekretaris-generaal van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kommuniste party en sy adjunk is
in Zuma se kabinet opgeneem. Sekere belangrike kabinetsportefeuljes is in
Kommuniste se hande, soos gevorderde onderwys en landbou. Verder het hulle
ook groot invloed in finansies op laer vlakke."

Die aanstelling van Blade Nzimande, sekretaris-generaal van die SAKP as
minister van hoër onderwys en opleiding wek veral kommer.

Die opskrif alleen van een van sy onlangse skrywes "Covert racism still
prevalent in SA" op 16 Julie 2009 laat mens wonder wat van ons onderwys
instellings in die toekoms gaan word.

Ons kyk na 'n paar kommerwekkende uittreksels uit hierdie skrywe, sowel as
die verslag waarop dit gegrond is.

Die geskepte "vonk in die kruitvat", waarvan baie van ons amper al vergeet

The incident at the Reitz residence at the University of the Free State,
which gave rise to the investigation by the Soudien committee, reflected
both overt and covert racism. The shocking abuse of black women workers was
done privately but recorded on video with the aim of spreading a particular
attitude towards Africans.

Oor sekere van die uitlatings is dit byna moeilik om kommentaar te lewer,
want dit is te verwronge en verdraai:

Under the guise of trepidation over the supposed lowering of standards and a
fallacious idea of a free-for-all higher education system, we have seen
naked fear embedded in racial and class interests.

While this issue requires thorough public debate, it is disingenuous in the
extreme to our society as a whole and the next generation of school leavers
to undermine proposals to expand access to higher education in order to keep
it as the preserve of the privileged.

Redenasies soos die volgende laat mens wonder hoe lank die NSA grondwet nog
gebruik sal kan word om weerstand te bied teen die stelselmatige
vernietiging van ons volk in watter deel van sy bestaan ookal:

The one distinct example of this is around language and arguments for the
continuation of single medium schools and Afrikaans only universities. The
proponents of these campaigns use constitutional rights guaranteeing the
existence of all official languages to perpetuate the exclusion of, and
racism against, black students.

Selfs die anti-Afrikaner media doen skynbaar nie hul werk goed genoeg nie en
moes meer dekking aan die ANC gegee het:

It is no secret that the media in South Africa does not reflect the voices
nor serve the interests of the majority of the citizens. In fact, it does
not even aspire to do so and panders unashamedly to class and financial
interests. This disjuncture between the media and the views of the majority
was evident in the results of the April elections.

Hier word seker van ons gepraat. Dis goed dat die vyand homself ook teenoor
ons posisioneer:

Ladies and gentlemen, we should be under no illusion that there are some in
our society who are deeply opposed to transformation and who will find any
and every excuse to hinder its progress.

Die blankes moet oral uitgewerk word:

Even without the valuable insights provided by the Ministerial committee, it
is evident that black students are in the minority in the fields of
accounting and financial studies, as well as the scarcity of black scholars
and researchers. This shows that the system still leans towards patriarchal,
racial and elitist forms of knowledge production.

Verandering is ons voorland en die doelstellings is definitief nie iets
waarop ons ooit sal kan trots wees nie:

The summit will discuss the state of transformation in higher education,
identify ways to accelerate the process and possibly look into the
development of a transformation charter.

Ladies and gentlemen, I look forward to the outcome of deliberations from
this colloquium in also guiding us on this arduous journey to systematically
free our institutions of higher learning of discrimination. With your help
and input, we are a step closer to reaching our common goal to create
institutions we can truly be proud of.

Nou die verslag waarop bg. gegrond is.

Opskrif: Is 'racism' pervasive in our universities?

Hier volg die lys van name van die persone wat vir die opstel van hierdie
verslag verantwoordelik was. Dit lyk nie of daar iemand is wat ons volk se
belange op die hart sal dra nie.

Prof Crain Soudien (Chairperson),

Dr Wynoma Michaels
Dr Sankie Mthembi-Mahanyele
Prof Mokubung Nkomo
Ms Gugu Nyanda
Mr Nkateko Nyoka
Prof Sipho Seepe
Dr Olive Shisana
Dr Charles Villa-Vicencio

Supported by Mr Ahmed Essop and Dr Molapo Qhobela, Ms Babalwa Ntabeni and Dr
Chika Sehoole

Die inleiding laat mens wonder oa. wat bedoel word met "the new era",
"non-racial" ens.

The Committee located its investigation within the context of the
transformation agenda of Education White Paper 3: A Programme for the
Transformation of Higher Education. White Paper 3 explains that
transformation "requires that all existing practices, institutions and
values are viewed anew and rethought in terms of their fitness for the new
era". At the centre of the transformation agenda, in terms of 'fitness', is
the White Paper's vision for the establishment of a single national
coordinated higher education system that is "democratic, non-racial and

Net om die grondwetlikheid van die uitgangspunte in die verslag te bevestig:

This is also in line with the South African Constitution, which defines
discrimination to include "race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status,
ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability,
religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth."

Net blankes kan aan die "misdrywe" skuldig wees:

While racism, like other forms of discrimination, is based on prejudice and
fear, what distinguishes it is the ideology of white supremacy, which serves
as a rationale for the unequal relations of power that exist between people
in South Africa.

Mens wonder watter instellings kan as "modelle" uitgesonder word, dalk
instellings soos bv. Mamalodi kampus?

While there are good practices that were developed at some of the
institutions, which might serve as models for change in the country, no one
must underestimate the difficulties that still exist. There is virtually no
institution that is not in need of serious change or transformation.

Gevolgtrekkings gemaak in die verslag:

It is clear from this overall assessment of the state of transformation in
higher education, that discrimination, in particular with regard to racism
and sexism, is pervasive in our institutions.

Daar is sekere natuurwette wat sekeres nooit sal verstaan nie:

Psychologically, discrimination does grievous mental harm to those who
believe that they are superior to other human beings. And it obviously has a
devastating effect on the victims of such discrimination.

...maar "transformeer", dit moet ons:

But for now our interest is focused on the education system, and we are of
the opinion that serious initiatives to address transformation in the
schooling sector must be strengthened and sustained.

Gaan die uitvoering van "transformasie" belangriker word as bv. uitwissing
van korrupsie?

In view of the observation that institutions have transformation policies
that are often only partially or seldom implemented, the Minister should
consider establishing a permanent oversight committee to monitor the
transformation of higher education. This committee should submit an annual
report to the Minister, who should make the report available for public

Selfs die taalstryd sal met die swart-kaart geveg word:

It also found that the implementation approach to the parallel-medium
language policies that are in place in a number of historically
Afrikaansmedium institutions discriminated against black students.

Sal die "voorheen benadeeldes" ooit met hul eie prestasies bereik wat hulle

The Committee found that there were inadequate networks and structures in
place in institutions to identify and retain black and female members of

Die doelwit:

This should be continued until a critical mass of black and female staff
members has been absorbed into institutions.

Hulle kan egter doen wat hulle wil, maar iets verkeerd doen, nooit:

A disturbing phenomenon in some institutions, as reflected in reports given
to the Committee, related to the harassment by white students of black
members of staff. The Committee recommends that institutions take steps to
both educate and discipline students who are found to behave in a racist way
to members of staff.

Dalk moet ons in die toekoms die visie-kanseliers dophou:

It is recommended that the vice-chancellor of the institution should be held
directly accountable for the achievement of employment equity targets.

Is daar wel verbande tussen ras en prestasie?

The Committee heard mixed reports about the success of academic development

While these were often labelled as being indispensable, they also, however,
appeared to be vehicles of racialisation.

Dit klink of die koshuise veral gaan deurloop:

De facto racial segregation and discrimination appear to have developed in
the admission practices of several institutions. The Committee strongly
recommends the immediate abolition of such practices, including those that
result in racially defined room allocations. It recommends the development
of placement policies that will create the opportunity for students from
different backgrounds to live together. The implementation of such policies
will require a shift from the current decentralised system, in which room
placements are decided upon by the residence committee, to a centralised
system in which placements are determined by the residence office.

Gaan "Demografies-verteenwoordigend" vir kleiner besture beteken dat dit
heeltemal swart moet wees?

The Committee learnt that election processes for residence committees were
often not sufficiently sensitive to the needs of black students. The
structure of and election procedures for residence committees should be
reviewed with a view to putting in place processes which would ensure that
residence committees are demographically representative.

In some institutions it appeared that residence managers were chosen on
ethnic grounds. It is recommended that institutional employment equity plans
be applied to residence employees, so as to ensure that the composition of
residence managers is demographically representative.

Moet leerplanne nog verder verander en verswak word om jongmense meer
doeltreffend van hul volkskap te vervreem?

The Committee found that the transformation of what is taught and learnt in
institutions constitutes one of the most difficult challenges this sector is
facing. In light of this, it is recommended that institutions initiate an
overall macro review of their undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, so
as to assess their appropriateness and relevance in terms of the social,
ethical, political and technical skills and competencies embedded in them.
This should be done in the context of post-apartheid South Africa and its
location in Africa and the world.

In short, does the curriculum prepare young people for their role in South
Africa and the world in the context of the challenges peculiar to the 21st

Al hierdie duistere planne behoort ons opnuut te herinner dat ons nie vir
altyd op die NSA se strukture sal kan vertrou nie. Laat ons nie moedeloos
raak nie, maar met nuwe wilskrag bou aan ons eie stukture, in besonder ons
eie onderwys en opleiding op alle vlakke sover dit moontlik is.

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